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The ANU-SSTL in collaboration with Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) under the sponsorship of the Next Eistein Forum (NEF) is celebrating the African Space Week with an event dubbed  INTER- HIGH SCHOOL STEM RESEARCH AND PRESENTATION COMPETITION” . The event will feature 7 best schools in Ghana in a tug over STEM Powerpoint competition. The purpose of the competition is to encourage students to engage in internet research with keen interest in STEAM education. We seek to inculcate research based approach in learning to enable students not to rely only on the school syllabus/curriculum. In this competition, students will be given STEAM topics and concepts which are not sufficiently covered in their syllabus and they are required to make detailed internet research on them. After the research, they will be required to make a power point presentation on their findings. With their presentation, they are expected to explain the given concept with the support of graphics (pictures, animations) etc. The topics will be given to the schools 4 weeks before the competition day.  At the competition event, we expect the representatives from each school to present their findings to the audience in the presence of judges versed in STEAM education. The criteria for the students’ presentation will be assessed according to;

1. The depth of research.

2. Power point document structuring.

3. Presentation / Communication Skill.

4. Answering of questions from Audience.

The competition will be single event.

To register for this event please visit the following URL:


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